Kenyan Blogs Webring

Kenyan Blogs Webring Member

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Patience Pays,I Wanna Be Paid In Dollars

I wake up every morning wishing on something to happen that will change the course of my musical journey forever,like being spotted by a promoter,or just being helped to get my music to a higher level. Dreams of being signed by major recording labels like Ogopa,Jomino,Chilli Inc.... They say patince pays,and i want to be paid in dollars,so like a patient imma wait patinhtly,untill that sunny day wen my game will be upped to a level where no Mombasa artist has dared to be...imma put pressing on...continue to do ma thing....writting these sicker verses coz i know its wat i got which will get me there.

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