Kenyan Blogs Webring

Kenyan Blogs Webring Member

Sunday 29 April 2012


May is finally here. 17th will come and i will be turning twenty. Am getting old and am kind of scared. May be i will get tired. Tired of waiting for my dream to come true. I was hoping by the time i would be twenty i would have made it.doing shows all over Kenya,my music settling the know. But am still here,not at zero, but neither not too far away from.

But then i want this so badly. I just can't give up after all the effort. I can't put all i have achieved to waste. What of those who love my music,my dreams..who would love to see Cash living the dream. It's not just about me anymore.

"So please be patient......",I tell maself....."Remember you want to be paid in Dollar$"

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