Kenyan Blogs Webring

Kenyan Blogs Webring Member

Friday 25 January 2013

My Video

Saturday 19 January 2013

Back With a Bang

It's been so long. I have been so quiet. I am currently working on my new single titled 'Chirucheche (naenda) to be produced by Bizi b of Chilli Inc. 2013 is gonna be Cashflu,just watch tis space.....

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Cash Era takes a shot at the Coca-Cola Kenya Olympic Anthem

Finally after a month am back. Had taken a break to concentrate on my CPA section 4 KASNEB exams which i sat for on 30th and 31st. They were not cheap but i gues that's so normal with exams. I did my very best and am patiently waiting for the results which are due on end July.

During that period i also attended and auditioned on the Coca cola Olympic Beat talent search.
The auditions took place on 2nd June from 10am – 6pm at KICC in Nairobi, Darajani Hotel in Mombasa and Sunset Hotel in Kisumu.
DJ Delf and music producer Susumila were the  judges at Mombasa, DJ Edog and Thomas Milongo of Chagua Records  handled Kisumu auditions and DJ Pinye and Madtraxx in Nairobi.The judges on the ground selected those youth that will move on to the next round after which Madtraxx and Pinye will shortlist the top four finalists from each region. The 12 finalists will then go through a public voting process where two winners will emerge.
 The two winning contestants will join Madtraxx to produce the song which will officially be launched before the start of the London Olympic Games.

I gave it my best short and now am waiting for that call....yeah i got a feeling.

keep it here for more infor.

Thursday 17 May 2012

THanks FoR tHe BirthDay Wishes

i just want to thank everyone especially my facebook friends for the happy birthday wishes.  i do apreciate. thanx so much. big thanx to my mum and dad for bringing me to this world,i love you guys so so much.big thanx to the Almighty for seeing me through this twenty years and the many more years to come. and not forgetting my gal Poulin,thanx for the promise ring,mad love for you always. thanx everyone.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


Dear love
you are still the same yet so different from the girl i fell in love with three years ago. Makes me wonder what happened in between. You make me feel like am no longer exciting & interesting.. You seem to appreciate the time you spend with your girlfriends mo than u do with me. You no longer send those random sweet texts in the middle of nowhere which used to gimme reasons to wear smiles all i can't forget this text..i had just seen you off n then the next minute u text me "i 4got 2 tell u,i love u" of proper wording and timing.
We used to spend hours on the phone..talking n textin. But lately after only some few minutes you say you have to go..that you are busy. And why do i always have to be the first one to text? It makes me feel like may be you are busy and am kind of disrupting you. And then u take too long to reply.
I know you and i trust you love me truly..i want you to know that i have never doubted your love for even a second. You do so much for me and i cant complain but i think there a lots of simple little things that you are leaving out.
xo baibe..i want my girl back,the one i fell in love with coz i know she is hidden somewhere in you.

Monday 14 May 2012


"xaxa sweetie..niko kejani xolo nimeboeka..siukam?"

"niko kwa periods" WTF!!!!  She cant think of PERIODS!!!! )

that's an example of my very own true guys always take my honesty for creativity. Facebook asks whats on my a very cold weather...i update "SEX"...guys take that for immaturity.

i always find myself trying hard to become me..staying true to my words..being faithful to my girl..speak out my heart..
and its all because of their..(Wat do i call them)..silly expectations of me...

they never care to think that i am different..that i never want to be somebody else bt rather me. to them i strike out as a crazy teenager chasing crazy dreams..Wat they fail to understand is that whateva seems crazy to them is very normal in my world.

funny i have lost sight of where i am going wit this..think all i wanted to say was "i am cash era..i love to be me..i am unique..and their can never be another me..i love my girlfriend too'"
oops i have to insert the F-word..may b ill just put it here..i don't give a FUCK to wat u thnk of me.